Post Tagged with: "Wireless"

Goldberg vs. Saunders, Round Two

Mark Goldberg and Alec Saunders renew their debate on the wireless market in Canada as Goldberg responds to the Ottawa Citizen editorial on the issue.  Much of the discussion surrounds the Citizen's concern about the ability to attract and retain communications companies in Canada.  I believe that the Citizen was […]

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August 1, 2007 2 comments News

War for the Wireless World

The National Post provides a good review on how Apple and Google are shaking up the wireless industry.

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August 1, 2007 Comments are Disabled News

Ottawa Citizen on Wireless in Canada

Following on the Montreal Gazette editorial, the Ottawa Citizen has published a lead editorial lamenting high prices and lack of competition.  The editorial is supportive of the new complaints commission, but concludes that "there's a long way to go."

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July 30, 2007 3 comments News

Montreal Gazette Calls for Spectrum Set-Aside

The Montreal Gazette, which is running a version of my mobile data column as an op-ed, features a lengthy editorial slamming the Canadian wireless market and calling on Industry Minister Maxime Bernier to support greater competition through a spectrum set-aside.

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July 25, 2007 Comments are Disabled News

The High Cost of Canadian Wireless

The National Post featured a revealing article on the weekend featuring comments from both RIM and Google about the high prices associated with Canadian wireless services, particularly the cost of the data.  The numbers in the article point out that Canada is not even close to being competitive with countries […]

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July 8, 2007 36 comments News