Fair Dealing by Giulia Forsythe (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) https://flic.kr/p/dRkXwP

Fair Dealing by Giulia Forsythe (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) https://flic.kr/p/dRkXwP


The Tortoise, the Hare, and the Internet

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When governments began to stake out their Internet policy positions in the mid-1990s, there was general agreement among countries such as Canada, the United States, Australia, as well as the European Union, on the wisdom of adopting a self-regulatory approach led by the private sector.

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July 28, 2003 Comments are Disabled Columns Archive

Internet File Sharing

Professor Geist comments on Internet file sharing on CBC Radio’s Cross Country Check-up. Professor Geist’s segment begins at roughly the 4 minute mark.link

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July 27, 2003 Comments are Disabled Audio

‘Big Music’ Set to Declare War on its Audience

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Many online music fans reflect on July 26, 2000, as the day the music almost died. On that day a U.S. court ruled that Napster, the file-sharing phenomenon that took the world by storm, was engaged in copyright infringement and should be shut down. While the service survived for nearly 18 months longer, that initial decision clearly marked the beginning of the end for Napster.

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May 12, 2003 Comments are Disabled Columns Archive

In Web Disputes, U.S. Law Rules the World

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Few Internet law issues generate more controversy than concerns surrounding Internet jurisdiction. In recent months, courts in both Australia and the United States have grappled with the issue in high-profile cases. The first involved an allegedly defamatory Wall Street Journal article about Joseph Gutnick, an Australian businessman who chose to sue in Australia rather than in the United States, where the newspaper is based. The second involved a copyright infringement suit launched in a California court against Kazaa, a leading online peer-to-peer file sharing service owned by an Australian company and incorporated in the Pacific nation of Vanuatu.

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February 24, 2003 Comments are Disabled Columns Archive

Net Copyright Reform: Its Deep in Policy Agenda

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Earlier this month the federal government delivered its much-anticipated Speech from the Throne, setting its legislative and policy agenda for the years ahead. Several days later, amid far less fanfare, it released a second legislative and policy agenda, which is must-reading for those concerned with copyright and the Internet because it establishes the government's priorities for copyright reform for at least the next five years.

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October 17, 2002 Comments are Disabled Columns Archive