
CLA on Captain Copyright

At its annual meeting in Ottawa earlier this month, the Canadian Library Association passed a resolution on Access Copyright's Captain Copyright.  The resolution is powerful rebuke from one of the groups that the Captain Copyright program presumably hoped to attract.  It criticizes the biased approach on copyright, the linking policy, and notes that the "website poses a threat to our shared information commons by providing biased copyright information to the Canadian public, particularly children and schoolteachers."  With that in mind, it resolves the the CLA President will write an open letter to condemn the Captain Copyright initiative.

One Comment

  1. Bob Jonkman says:

    Don’t know if you’d like to comment on this, but the Captain Copyright comics are completely inaccessible to those people using non-graphical browsers. Aside from not getting past the opening splash screen (completely devoid of text except “Homepage Graphic”), there’s no way anyone can read the image-only comics.

    Our tax dollars, not working, as usual.
