As the Minister responsible for the Copyright Act, Industry Minister David Emerson has said surprisingly little about Bill C-60. Earlier this week in a speech in Saskatchewan, Emerson used three paragraphs to reference copyright and intellectual property. This foray into the copyright debate is a disappointment and deserves some comment. […]
Archive for August, 2005
The Lawful Access Questions
My weekly Law Bytes column (freely available hyperlinked version, Toronto Star version) examines the lawful access plan in light of Justice Minister Irwin Cotler’s announcement late last week that the government plans to move forward on the initiative this fall. Although the specifics of the actual bill remain unknown, the […]
Canada’s Big Brother Plan to Reshape the Internet
Appeared in the Toronto Star on August 22, 2005 as Beware Big Brother Disguised as ‘Lawful Access’Appeared in the Ottawa Citizen on August 25, 2005 as Playing Big Brother on the NET Justice Minister Irwin Cotler’s announcement late last week that the federal government plans to aggressively move forward to […]
Canada – Australia IP and Cyberlaw Conference
Some blog readers may know that the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law hosts an annual IP and Cyberlaw conference each fall. In previous years, we've held a comparative Canada – U.S. conference and last year hosted a "global conversation" on Internet law issues featuring speakers from around the world […]