Health Canada has issued a public notice warning Canadians about the risk associated with buying pharmaceuticals online. The government now says that online pharmaceutical sales "poses the potential for serious health risks."
Archive for August 15th, 2007
CARL and SPARC Release Canadian Author Addendum
The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) and SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) have released the SPARC Canadian Author Addendum, a new tool for authors in Canada to retain key rights to the journal articles they publish.
EMI’s DRM-Free Music Sales
Coolfer assesses the impact of EMI's move to offer DRM-free music.
The Politics of Culture
The Toronto Star's Martin Knelman provides a good analysis of the thinking behind the promotion of Josée Verner to the Minister of Canadian Heritage, focusing on the celebrations in Quebec City in 2008 marking the 400th anniversary of the arrival of Samuel de Champlain.