10 by will in nashville CC BY-ND 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/4XMjgk

10 by will in nashville CC BY-ND 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/4XMjgk


The Year in Review: Top Ten Michael Geist Substacks

My look back at 2023 concludes with a review of my most popular Substacks of the year. Given the overlap between blog posts and Substacks, there is unsurprisingly overlap between the most popular posts with the piece on Bill S-210 occupying the top spot on both charts. However, there are differences, with posts on the CBC and my appearance before the CRTC that focused on competition and consumer choice making their way into the Substack top ten.

1. The Most Dangerous Canadian Internet Bill You’ve Never Heard Of Is a Step Closer to Becoming Law

2. Caving on Bill C-18: Government Outlines Planned Regulations that Signal Willingness to Cast Aside Core Principles of the Online News Act

3. Bill C-18 and the CBC’s Self-Destructive Approach to Government Digital Policy

4. Why Is Meta Blocking All News Links? Because Bill C-18 Covers All News Outlets

5. A 4% Link Tax: Why the Government’s Draft Bill C-18 Regulations Just Increased the Chances of No News on Meta and Google in Canada

6. Canadian Government Quietly Backs Down on its Implementation Plans for a Digital Services Tax

7. Limiting Public Participation: Why No One Should Be Surprised at the CRTC’s Internet Services Registration Requirement Ruling

8. Canada Plans to Regulate Search and Social Media Use of Artificial Intelligence for Content Moderation and Discoverability

9. My CRTC Appearance on Bill C-11: Why Isn’t the Commission Concerned with Competition, Consumer Choice, and Affordability?

10. Bill C-18 Bailout: Government Announces Plans to Pay For 35% of Journalist Costs for News Outlets With 116% Increase in Tax Credit Per Employee


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