The Vietnamese government has increased its Internet controls as it requires ISPs to terminate service to cybercafes that allow for access to pornography and anti-government content. see: CAIP v. SOCAN also see: ISPs Free From Paying Royalties for Downloads
World Vision Calls For Ugandan Internet Law
World Vision’s Ugandan National Director has called on the government to adopt Internet legislation to protect individual users.
Group Protests Maldives Internet Controls
Reporters Without Borders is protesting Maldives strong controls over Internet use, reporting that the government has jailed four Internet users for posting articles that are critical of the government. see: CAIP v. SOCAN also see: ISPs Free From Paying Royalties for Downloads
Africa Needs Computer Security Response Team
This article reflects on Africa’s inadequate framework to deal with cybercrime and online security issues. see: CAIP v. SOCAN also see: ISPs Free From Paying Royalties for Downloads
Bangladesh Business Wants E-Law
Bangladesh businesses, including subsidiaries of global banks, are calling on the government to establish a digital law to facilitate electronic trading.