
Canadian Privacy Commissioner Issues Annual Report

Canada’s Interim Federal Privacy Commissioner has released his office’s 2002-03 annual report. The report highlights the Office’s activities under both private sector and public sector privacy legislation. see: 2002-03 Annual Report also see: Knight v. Hutchinson decision here

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September 22, 2003 Comments are Disabled News

Yet more – the CBC covers the story

The CBC has joined the crowd of Canadian media covering the RIAA suits story. Professor Geist comments on the likelihood of Canadians facing a lawsuit for file sharing. see: Canadians OK To File Swap also see: Knight v. Hutchinson decision here

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September 11, 2003 Comments are Disabled News

More on the RIAA suits and Canada

The Toronto Star provides further coverage of the Canadian perspective on the RIAA file sharing suits with comments from Professor Geist on the challenge of identifying file sharers under Canadian law. see: Canadian File Sharers' Risk Low also see: Knight v. Hutchinson decision here

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September 11, 2003 Comments are Disabled News

Covering the Canadian Perspective on RIAA suits

The Globe and Mail runs a story featuring coverage of the Canadian perspective on the RIAA lawsuits that includes commentary from Professor Geist. Geist notes that it is much more difficult under Canadian law to uncover the identity of file sharers. see: Murky Laws Make Piracy Suits Less Likely in […]

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September 10, 2003 Comments are Disabled News