This Magazine has a feature story on legalizing music file sharing, with particular focus on the SAC proposal.
Clement Conducts “Pre-Cabinet Review” of Globalive Decision
The Globe reports that Industry Minister Tony Clement has sent a letter to the telecom industry asking for comments by November 18th on the CRTC's Globalive decision. The request is described as a "pre-cabinet review" of the issue.
Public Knowledge & KEI Public Letter on ACTA
Public Knowledge and KEI have released a public letter expressing concern with the substance of ACTA.
Public Knowledge & KEI Public Letter on ACTA
Public Knowledge and KEI have released a public letter expressing concern with the substance of ACTA.
Ten Years of Internet Law News
While readers of this blog may be more familiar with my blog postings or regular technology law columns, I also compile a daily Internet law news bulletin that is distributed daily by the Bureau of National Affairs in Washington, DC. Today marks the 10th anniversary of Internet Law News. My thanks to all the readers and particularly to Daniel Strigberger for his ongoing assistance in pulling ILN together each day. To mark the occasion, I've posted the first ILN from November 9, 1999, complete with stories on Nortel, a new ICANN board, and a forthcoming anti-cybersquatting law. To subscribe to ILN (it's free), visit BNA.