One of the discussion points regarding Access Copyright's Captain Copyright, has been the attempt to restrict who can link to the site. Interestingly, Access Copyright has now altered the specific linking terms. The earlier version, which is still used for the main Access Copyright site, provided that:
Post Tagged with: "access copyright"
Captain Copyright
Access Copyright has launched a new site that borders on parody, but is apparently serious. Captain Copyright, is a new "superhero" that educates children about the virtues of copyright, rushing to the scene in the event that someone publishes research without proper credit. While my first reaction to the site was that it is just silly, as I dug deeper, I now find it shameful. These materials, targeting kids as young as six years old, misrepresents many issues and proposes classroom activities that are offensive.
In addition to the Captain Copyright series, there are a series of "games" and educational activities targeting kids and teachers beginning in Grade One. These so-called activities are of particular interest to me since one of my kids is currently in Grade Two and another starts Grade One in September. It is pointless to go through each exercise to point to the misconceptions and half-truths that it seeks to bring into my child's classroom, but a few merit comment.
private copying copyright education
CMEC Visits Ottawa
CMEC, which represents provincial ministers of education, was in Ottawa today to lobby on copyright. Jamie Muir, the Nova Scotia Minister of Education, is quoted extensively in the release on the visit (which interestingly contains several references to the recent CMCC effort to bring the views of Canadian musicians to […]
Access Copyright’s Distribution Fact Finding Study
In addition to the launch of the Public Domain Registry project, Access Copyright has also announced plans to study its distribution system. The Creators' Copyright Coalition reports: "Access Copyright' s newly announced fact-finding process is a response to a proposal several creator organizations made to the agency last summer. The […]
Access Copyright And Creative Commons Canada Launch Public Domain Registry
Exciting news today from Access Copyright and Creative Commons Canada as the two are joining forces to establish a public domain registry. The registry should assist in identifying works in the public domain in Canada and will be further supported by the Wikimedia Foundation to allow individuals to contribute to […]