Post Tagged with: "broadcasting act"

Uncertainty by Nicu Buculei (CC BY-SA 2.0)

The Broadcasting Act Blunder, Day 13: The “Regulate Everything” Approach – Targeting Individual Services

Several Broadcasting Act blunder posts have focused on the extensive regulatory requirements for Internet services in Bill C-10, including registration requirements, regulations, and conditions of operation all subject to penalties for failure to comply. While the CRTC will be tasked with establishing the specifics, the bill is notable in that it grants the Commission the power to target individual services or companies with unique or individualized requirements. In other words, rather than establishing a “level playing field” (itself a fiction), Canadian Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault is opening the door to multiple fields with individual companies potentially each facing their own specific requirements and conditions to operate in Canada.

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December 8, 2020 3 comments News
This Is A Test by Bill Smith (CC BY 2.0)

The Broadcasting Act Blunder, Day 12: The “Regulate Everything” Approach – The CRTC Conditions

The Broadcasting Act blunder series with a continued examination of the “regulate everything ” approach in Bill C-10. A previous post focused on the regulation and registration requirements which make a mockery of the government’s claim that there are no licensing requirements for Internet services since the requirements are little different than what is often found in a licence. Indeed, Section 10(1)(i) gives the CRTC the power to establish regulations that could require all broadcasting undertakings – including online undertakings – to register with the Commission, pay registration fees, and face regulations on Canadian programming, advertising rules, and audit rules.  Failure to comply with these regulations carries the possibility of stiff penalties.

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December 7, 2020 1 comment News
Summer is still here - in Canada by Jamie McCaffrey (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Broadcast Reform Bill Could Spell the End of Canadian Ownership Requirements

The Broadcasting Act blunder series takes a day off to focus on my Globe and Mail op-ed this week on the decision in Bill C-10 to remove Canadian ownership and control requirements from the Broadcasting Act. The op-ed notes that while Canadian Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault has told the House of Commons that the bill seeks to safeguard cultural sovereignty, the reality is that it represents a surrender of Canadian ownership and control over the broadcasting system.

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December 4, 2020 3 comments News
Registration by Official GDC (CC BY 2.0)

The Broadcasting Act Blunder, Day 11: The “Regulate Everything” Approach – Licence or Registration Required

The government’s launch of Bill C-10, the Broadcasting Act reform bill, was careful to note that it was not creating a new licensing system for Internet services. For example, the Canadian Heritage FAQ states “Canadians will still be able to watch all of their favourite programs and access their preferred services. This Bill in no way prevents online streaming services from operating in Canada, or requires them to be licensed.” Previous posts have explored why this is unlikely to be the case with the new rules leading to less consumer choice as services choose to avoid the Canadian market given the new costs and requirements imposed by the government. The Broadcasting Act blunder series continues today with the first of several posts unpacking the shift from licensing to regulation, concluding that for many services, it could be a distinction without much of a difference.

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December 3, 2020 5 comments News
2020 CFC Annual Gala & Auction by Canadian Film Centre, Photo by Vito Amati Photography, (CC BY 2.0)

The Broadcasting Act Blunder, Day 10: Downgrading the Role of Canadians in their Own Programming

Canadian Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault has painted Bill C-10, his Broadcasting Act reform bill, as a big win for Canadian creators, telling the House of Commons that the bill will mean “more opportunities for our creators and talent in the production sector.” The Broadcasting Act blunder series continues today with a closer examination of how the bill alters the way Canada has traditionally tried to ensure that Canadian talent plays a pivotal role in creating that content. It finds that bill actually downgrades the requirements and opens the door to reduced Canadian participation in productions in their own country.

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December 2, 2020 3 comments News