Post Tagged with: "cba"
Setting the Record Straight on the Copyright Lobby’s Latest Smear Campaign
Canadian Lawyers on C-32: Fix the Digital Lock Rules
The National Post runs a feature on the legal profession’s views on Bill C-32. Several lawyers are quoted expressing concern with the digital lock rules. The article concludes “ultimately, most lawyers suggest that the fair dealing definitions and exceptions should be broadened and consumers should have the right to break […]
Canadian Bar Association Speaks Out On Bill C-32
The CBA submission is notable as a strong counter to the frequent attempts to characterize critics of digital lock rules or other elements of the bill as “anti-copyright.” Far from the claims that there is near unanimity in support of DMCA-style reforms, the CBA submission confirms that the legal experts who work on copyright issues on a daily basis are deeply divided on many issues. In fact, the CBA submission opens by noting:
The Intellectual Property and the Privacy and Access Law Sections of the Canadian Bar Association (CBA Sections) are pleased to comment on Bill C-32, the Copyright Modernization Act. Copyright is a controversial subject and engages the interests of a wide cross-section of Canadians. This includes copyright owners, who run the gamut from large entertainment conglomerates to self-employed artists, and copyright users, who include everyone from broadcasting corporations to teenagers downloading music in their parents’ basements. The copyright bar, similarly, holds a multiplicity of perspectives on copyright.
Canadian Booksellers Association Seeks Changes To Parallel Import Laws
The Canadian Booksellers Association is seeking changes to the parallel import laws for books, currently governed by the Copyright Act. The booksellers argue the limits are "no longer commercially reasonable and should be repealed."
CBA Responds on Do-Not-Call List
The Vancouver Sun features a letter to the editor today from Canadian Bankers Association President Nancy Hughes Anthony on the do-not-call list and The CBA professes support for the DNC, noting that "it's easy for Canadians to opt out of telemarketing calls. Simply sign up for the national Do Not Call list." Hughes Anthony neglects to mention that CBA members are exempt under the DNC where there is a prior or current business relationship. Under the rules, that means your current bank gets to call for a wide array of additional services even if your number is on the DNC list. Moreover, if you simply inquired with another bank about a mortgage rate or credit card offering, they can continue to call you for another six months. The CBA has a history of defending its right to make these telemarketing calls. In 2004, it made submissions to the CRTC asking that its members be excluded from new telemarketing rules, arguing that its practices "do not constitute 'undue inconvenience or nuisance'."
With respect to, the CBA raises three objections, of all of which were dismissed by CRTC Chair Konrad von Finckenstein.