Post Tagged with: "crookes"

B. C. Court Rules Linking To Content Not Republication

A B.C. court has ruled that linking to allegedly defamatory content does not amount to a republication of the content.  The case arises from one of the Crookes lawsuits, this one involving both Wikipedia and [full disclosure: Crookes is suing me with similar claims that include linking to websites […]

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October 27, 2008 3 comments News

B.C. Court of Appeal Upholds Dismissal of Crookes Cyberlibel Suit

The British Columbia Court of Appeal has upheld a lower court decision that dismissed a libel suit launched by Wayne Crookes against Yahoo!, MySpace, and a group of individuals.  The court rejected the view that a court should presume that something posted online on a restricted access site has been […]

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May 9, 2008 1 comment News

The Letters of the Law: The Year in Law and Technology from A to Z

Appeared in the Toronto Star on December 24, 2007 as The Year In Canadian Tech Law, A to Z Appeared in the Tyee on December 25, 2007 as The Letters of the Law The past twelve months marked another remarkable year in law and technology featuring business developments, policy decisions, […]

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December 30, 2007 1 comment Columns Archive

B.C. Supreme Court Dismisses One Crookes Libel Suit

The British Columbia Supreme Court today dismissed with costs one of the Crookes libel lawsuits.  The suit against Yahoo!, MySpace and a group of individual defendants, which centred on postings on a Yahoo Groups forum, was dismissed on jurisdictional grounds.  Yahoo successfully argued that it was not subject to B.C. […]

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September 4, 2007 3 comments News

The CBC on Net Libel Chill

The National featured a lengthy report on Internet libel last night focusing on the Zeke’s Gallery and Crookes’ cases.  The story, which did an excellent job of highlighting the core issues, has posted by on YouTube.  I’m featured in the piece and wrote about these concerns earlier this year.

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August 17, 2007 6 comments News