Post Tagged with: "E-commerce"

CETA Reached “In Principle”, Part Three: Meaningless Claims on Telecom & E-commerce

Without the CETA text, it is very difficult to assess many of the purported benefits of the draft agreement (additional posts on the need to release the text, the IP provisions, and the big win for pharmaceutical companies despite declining Canadian investment in research and development).  Consider the benefits for telecommunications and electronic commerce discussed in the government’s summary document.  On electronic commerce, the government states:

Businesses engaged in electronic commerce will benefit from greater certainty, confidence and
Twenty years ago, electronic commerce was in its infancy. Today, electronic commerce is a part of our daily lives. Canadians shop and plan holidays online, and buy and download software and entertainment content, including movies, television and music. Advertisers are making increased use of “smart advertising” on the Web to track our shopping habits and promote specific deals likely to interest us.

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October 18, 2013 Comments are Disabled News

Industry Committee Releases E-commerce Study

The Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology has released its final report on e-commerce in Canada (I appeared before the committee last October). The report has sixteen recommendations, but none are particularly innovative or surprising. They include emphasizing e-commerce in the forthcoming digital economy strategy, increasing affordability of Internet […]

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May 8, 2012 Comments are Disabled News

Why Isn’t YouTube Canadian?: My Appearance Before the Industry Committee

Earlier this month I appeared before the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology, which is conducting a study on the e-commerce market in Canada. A transcript of the hearing is available here and audio of the hearing here.  My prepared opening remarks are posted below. The discussion that followed touched a wide range of issues including copyright reform and competitiveness in the wireless and broadband sectors.

Appearance before the Standing Committee on Industry
October 17, 2011

Good afternoon.  My name is Michael Geist. I am a law professor at the University of Ottawa where I hold the Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law. 

I appear before this committee today in a personal capacity representing only my own views.

I want to congratulate the committee for launching this study of e-commerce in Canada.  It is a critically important issue deserving of greater attention.  While the committee has identified some excellent questions, I’d boil the issue down to a single one:

Why have Canadian consumers embraced e-commerce, but Canada has failed to produce many significant global e-commerce success stories?

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October 31, 2011 10 comments Committees, News

B.C. Opens Door to Online Eyeglass Sales

The B.C. government has passed legislation that deregulates the sales of eyeglasses and contacts. The move comes in response to court battle between the College of Opticians of BC and Coastal Contacts, an online eyeglass seller.

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March 22, 2010 5 comments News

Microsoft Sues Three Vancouver Residents For Click Fraud

The NY Times reports that Microsoft has filed its first click fraud lawsuit, targeting three Vancouver residents.  The company is seeking $750,000 in damages in an attempt to make the fraud more expensive for perpetrators.

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June 16, 2009 Comments are Disabled News