Post Tagged with: "google"


Barry Ritholtz highlights an emerging P2P music file sharing service: Google.

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September 8, 2006 Comments are Disabled News

The Ottawa Citizen on Copyright Reform

The Citizen's lead editorial today concludes with the following: Canada's copyright regime is likely to be reviewed this fall with a view to dragging it into the 21st century. Making sure we maximize the usefulness of new technologies like Google Books should be the Harper government's highest priority; promoting the […]

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September 5, 2006 1 comment News

Google in China

The NY Times Magazine has a superb article on Google in China.  The article provides interesting details on Chinese Internet censorship practices consistent with my own experience last year.

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April 23, 2006 Comments are Disabled News

Beyond Google

The Department of Justice’s subpoena of Google search data generated considerable attention last month with a judge ultimately ordering disclosure of only a fraction of what the U.S. government initally demanded.  At the time, the coverage noted that Google was not the only target with similar requests to AOL, Microsoft, […]

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March 30, 2006 1 comment News

Two From Yahoo

While much of the tech world's attention is focused on RIM (with the judge reserving his decision this afternoon), there are two Yahoo stories worth noting.  First, add Yahoo to the list of companies that are coming out against DRM.  Yahoo Music chief Dave Goldberg raised eyebrows Thursday at the […]

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February 24, 2006 Comments are Disabled News