Post Tagged with: "manitoba"

MTS by Steve (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Bains Gives Bell-MTS Merger a Pass Despite Competition Bureau Finding Serious Wireless Market Problems

The Canadian government has prioritized innovation as a marquee policy issue. There are  signals that Innovation, Science and Economic Development Minister Navdeep Bains will use the upcoming budget to overhaul the myriad of innovation funding and support programs that have cost billions of dollars with only a limited return on investment. There is no reason to doubt the commitment to innovation, but a national strategy must involve more than changes to how the government doles out cash incentives.

Yet when presented with the opportunity to address a core component of any serious innovation strategy – the communications sector that provides the foundation for the digital economy – Mr. Bains last week took a look at a market that the Competition Bureau found suffers from coordinated behaviour among the three dominant providers and simply whiffed. The decision to approve the merger of BCE and Manitoba Telecom Services (MTS) with only minor tinkering seems certain to increase wireless pricing for Manitoba residents and eliminate one of the few competitive bright spots in Canada.

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February 21, 2017 5 comments Columns

Manitoba To Introduce Bill To Regulate Consumer Cellphone Contracts

The Manitoba government is expected to introduce new legislation today to regulate consumer cellphone contracts.  The bill follows a consultation on the issue last year.

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May 9, 2011 1 comment News

Manitoba Launches Consultation on Cell Phone Contracts

The Government of Manitoba’s Consumer Protection Office has launched a consultation on consumer cellphone contracts that includes questions on locked phones, early termination of service, and disclosure issues.

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December 16, 2010 1 comment News

Manitoba Ethics Essay Competition Winner Tackles File Sharing

The annual Glassen Ethics Competition, which is open to high school students in Manitoba, focused on file sharing this year.  The winning entry argues society has benefited overall from file sharing.

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February 16, 2010 4 comments News

Manitoba Music Industry Association Distances Self From CRIA On Copyright Reform

The Winnipeg copyright roundtable is a must-listen as it includes some notable comments from the Manitoba Music Industry Association.  After numerous presentations at the roundtable calling for expanded fair dealing (from education, researchers, and artists), the MMIA argued: We find ourselves in the Manitoba music industry more aligned with some […]

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August 6, 2009 Comments are Disabled Stop CDMCA