The Sun Media papers begin a four day series on the music industry with comments from an insider that "CRIA always says the sky is falling. That's their role." The article notes that HMV Canada has seen CD sales increase by 15 percent over the past four years and that […]
Post Tagged with: "music industry"
UN Economist Weighs In On Industry Canada P2P Study
Zeljka Kozul-Wright, an economist focused on the creative industries with UNCTAD, has posted personal comments on the recent Industry Canada P2P study. Kozul-Wright notes that: To hold file sharing uniquely responsible for the decline in record sales i.e., largely unauthorized downloading, is basically erroneous and far too simplistic. Moreover, such […]
Politics Trumps Policy as Copyright Bill Approaches
The Hill Times features a special op-ed this week (HT version (sub required), homepage version) that I wrote on the recent Statistics Canada and Industry Canada studies on the music industry. With independent data now confirming that the Canadian music industry is enjoying healthy profits and that Internet file sharing […]
Politics Trumps Policy as Copyright Bill Approaches
Appeared in the Hill Times on November 12, 2007 as Politics Trumps Policy As Copyright Bill Approaches The annual Canadian Music Week celebration in Toronto is still several months away, but last week Ottawa staged its own version of the event. Two federal departments – Statistics Canada and Industry Canada […]
Statistics Canada Reports Canadian Music Industry Turning Healthy Profit
The official Canadian Music Week won't take place until March in Toronto, but this week the Canadian government has staged its own Canadian music week. Days after the release of the Industry Canada commissioned study on the correlation between P2P and CD sales, Statistics Canada has just released a report […]