
The Sky is Falling

The Sun Media papers begin a four day series on the music industry with comments from an insider that "CRIA always says the sky is falling. That's their role."  The article notes that HMV Canada has seen CD sales increase by 15 percent over the past four years and that CD Plus and Sunrise have experienced similar growth in sales of indie titles, imports, and hard-to-find items.  Moreover, a second article points out that declining shipments have less to do with peer-to-peer and far more to do with declining exports, post-holiday returns, and no big CDs.


  1. More Sun Articles
    Today, they have a couple more articles up on the topic including the following two:

    “Canada a download haven”
    [ link ]

    “Top 5 ‘justifications'”
    [ link ]

    Lots of Mr. Henderson quotes in these two; sadly, not much of a counterpoint is offered.

  2. @ Allan
    You’re right, It’s very sad that the writer of these articles has not made an effort to present a balanced and reasoned view of the situation. I get the impression that often the media is handed a prepared, ready-to-go piece which promotes the agenda of some agency or association, and this is passed off to the general public as news, when in fact it is little better than industry propaganda.

    Thankfully there are a few sites, such as this, where we can see behind the wizard’s curtain.

  3. Two weeks ago CRIA has forced demonoid to close again and this time it looks for good. The statement “Canada a download haven” it proves to be once more just CRIA “propaganda”.

  4. The speaker makes the statement “We don’t have a consensus of what’s right and wrong” sounding like it is something “wrong”. Actually that is the very core of democracy. Only a dictatorship is able to “dictate” what is right and what is wrong. Using propaganda to create such a consensus is unethical. Unfortunately I think CRIA doesn’t really care about being ethical or the value of freedom.

  5. More Sun Articles (again)
    There are three more articles up today:

    Anti-piracy tactics futile
    [ link ]
    One of Sun Media’s bigger music critics complains that he doesn’t get advance copies anymore. Some publicists tell him that they “would look the other way if I were to download their albums from Torrent sites.”

    Weapons of mass distraction
    [ link ]
    Article about MediaDefender with a great quote from the founder of Sonic Unyon.

    Piracy plunders Jully Black sales
    [ link ]

  6. says:
    The speaker makes the statement “We don’t have a consensus of what’s right and wrong” sounding like it is something “wrong”. Actually that is the very core of democracy

  7. gögüs büyütücü says:
    göğüs büyütücü

  8. göğüs büyütücü says:
    göğüs büytümek

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    hot pepper hot pepper

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