Vuze has released a new survey it commissioned that found that P2P users attend more movies, rent more movies, and purchase more DVDs than general Internet users (hat tip: Ars Technica).
Post Tagged with: "P2P"
Report Shows Canada Declining As Source of P2P Infringement Claims
BayTSP, a U.S. firm that identifies and tracks copyright content on behalf of major movie and music interests, has released its annual report on online trends (the study is not online, but they did send me a copy and Ars Technica, Torrent Freak, and P2PNet have reports). The report is […]
Norwegian Study Finds Downloaders Buy More Music
A Norwegian study (translated version) into the music downloading and purchasing habits of nearly 2,000 Internet users found that downloaders were more likely to buy music than non-downloaders. The finding is consistent with a previous Industry Canada-sponsored study.
Swedish Court Finds Pirate Bay Founders Guilty of Copyright Infringement
A Swedish court has found four founders of the Pirate Bay guilty of copyright infringement and sentenced them to one year in jail with a fine of US$3.6 million. Quick takeaways: an appeal is likely so this is the first word, not the last one in this case based on […]
Songwriters Bid To Legalize File Sharing Gets a Rewrite
Appeared in the Toronto Star on March 23, 2009 as Songwriters Rewrite Bid for Legalized File Sharing In November 2007, the Songwriters Association of Canada shocked the music industry and many Canadians by proposing the full legalization of music file sharing. The SAC proposal was based on the premise that […]