
Norwegian Study Finds Downloaders Buy More Music

A Norwegian study (translated version) into the music downloading and purchasing habits of nearly 2,000 Internet users found that downloaders were more likely to buy music than non-downloaders.  The finding is consistent with a previous Industry Canada-sponsored study.


  1. United Hackers Association says:

    so why not prosecute them instead
    haha watch as sales now plummet and Hollywood REALLY gets it int he arse

  2. the best music
    the best music

  3. It Is True…
    As I have said all over the internet, I spent two years in Thunder Bay for school and during that time I discovered and downloaded a ton of music from the Japanese pop group Hello! Project. When I returned to Toronto I found an import store that had H!P CDs/concert DVDs/posters. Now, a year after finishing school and returning to Toronto, I estimate I have spent about $1000 on H!P things. Yes, internet “pirates” do spend more on legal music…I am living proof of that.