The Toronto Star reports that the House of Anansi, a Toronto-based publisher, is offering a free download of Emily Schultz's Heaven is Small, a book that will be released in paper form later this week. The publisher notes that "based on our previous experience people were checking out the digital […]
Archive for April 21st, 2009
UK Mobile Operators Blocking Pirate Bay
Reports today indicate that British Telecom and other UK mobile providers have started blocking access to Pirate Bay. The move is being described as a voluntary measure that is part of the Internet Watch Foundation voluntary code.
Norwegian Study Finds Downloaders Buy More Music
A Norwegian study (translated version) into the music downloading and purchasing habits of nearly 2,000 Internet users found that downloaders were more likely to buy music than non-downloaders. The finding is consistent with a previous Industry Canada-sponsored study.
CRTC Extends Do-Not-Call Registrations to Five Years
The CRTC has announced that it is extending the registration on the do-not-call list from three to five years. Consumers will now only have to re-register every five years.
Desire2Learn Wins Patent Battle in the U.S.
Waterloo-based Desire2Learn has succeeded in getting a preliminary rejection of all 57 claims in a software patent that Blackboard used to sue it for infringement. I wrote about the original case here.