The Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage has issued its report on last year's controversial culture cuts. The Committee is unsurprisingly criticial of the cuts, arguing that they had "major negative impacts on Canadian arts organizations." The Committee therefore: fully rejects the Minister's decision and calls on the government to reinstate […]
Archive for April 23rd, 2009
CIRA Domain Name Dispute Panel Finds Reverse Hijacking
A CIRA domain name dispute resolution panel has issued the first clear finding of reverse hijacking (essentially a bad faith complaint). The case involved the domain.
York University Joins Internet Archive Book Scanning Project
York University has joined the Internet Archive to help scan thousands of public domain books.
BBC Column on ACTA
The BBC runs an updated version of one of my recent pieces on ACTA.
Government to Introduce Anti-Spam Legislation
Industry Minister Tony Clement has placed an anti-spam bill on the Notice Paper, suggesting that the Government could introduce the bill as early as tomorrow. The bill carries the unwieldly name of "An Act to promote the efficiency and adaptability of the Canadian economy by regulating certain activities that discourage […]