Many people have pointed to the NY Times article on Rick Rubin on the weekend – it is well worth a read, particularly the comments on the effect of the Sony rootkit debacle on established artists like Neil Diamond.
Post Tagged with: "rootkit"
The Lasting Impact of Sony’s Rootkit
My weekly Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, freely available version, update: the BBC features an internationalized version) examines the controversy surrounding the Sony rootkit and its use of digital rights management. While in the short-term one of the world's best-known brands has suffered enormous damage, the longer-term implications are […]
Sony’s Misleading “Apology”
Facing an onslaught of bad press, Sony today announced that it is suspending its use of the DRM technology that was quickly used by virus writers to infect personal computers. The Sony announcement is being described as an "apology" but the company isn't particularly apologetic. In fact, it prefaces its […]