The old adage in real estate that it only takes one buyer held true in the Canadian 700 MHz spectrum auction. After potential new entrants such as Verizon declined to enter the Canadian market and Wind Mobile dropped out of the bidding at the last minute, many declared the spectrum auction a failure. Industry Minister James Moore and the government got the last laugh, however, with the auction generating $5.3 billion and the emergence of potential new national wireless player – Videotron (parent company is Quebecor). There had been some speculation that Quebecor might make a move outside of Quebec (Nowak, Corcoran) and seeing the company scoop up prime spectrum in Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia offers renewed hope for a more competitive environment.
Post Tagged with: "spectrum auction"
Keeping Score of Canada’s Spectrum Auction
Auctioning the spectrum raises a host of critical policy choices.
Spectrum Surplus Offers Chance To Pay Net Policy Bills
Appeared in the Toronto Star on June 23, 2008 as Spectrum Auction Bonanza Allows for Proactive Thinking Each week millions of Canadians buy lottery tickets as they "imagine the freedom" of hitting it big. While the federal government may not have won the lottery, it has certainly hit the jackpot […]
Spectrum Auction Underway This Week
Canadian Press covers the beginning of the AWS spectrum auctions that opens this week.
Canadian Spectrum Auction Bidders
Industry Canada has the complete list, Canadian Press offers an overview, while the National Post has extensive coverage of some of the major players here, here, and here.