The Wire Report reports (sub required) that Google and Yahoo are concerned with the “enabler” provision in Bill C-32. The provision is designed to target sites that facilitate but the search engines fear it could have unintended consequences.
Post Tagged with: "Yahoo"
Yahoo’s Music Store Closing, Locking Consumers Out Of Their Music
Yahoo has announced plans to close its music store effective September 30, 2008. After that date, consumers that switch computers will lose their music since the DRM license key server will move offline. Yet another example of how the combination of DRM and Bill C-61 represents a huge loss for […]
B.C. Court of Appeal Upholds Dismissal of Crookes Cyberlibel Suit
The British Columbia Court of Appeal has upheld a lower court decision that dismissed a libel suit launched by Wayne Crookes against Yahoo!, MySpace, and a group of individuals. The court rejected the view that a court should presume that something posted online on a restricted access site has been […]
The DRM Free-Fall
As Bell unveils a DRM-free music store and Yahoo says it won't invest any more money in DRM-based music stores, the DRM free-fall continues, yet CRIA and its allies puzzlingly continue to focus on legal reforms tied to DRM as their primary legislative objective.
B.C. Supreme Court Dismisses One Crookes Libel Suit
The British Columbia Supreme Court today dismissed with costs one of the Crookes libel lawsuits. The suit against Yahoo!, MySpace and a group of individual defendants, which centred on postings on a Yahoo Groups forum, was dismissed on jurisdictional grounds. Yahoo successfully argued that it was not subject to B.C. […]