Bruce Schneier points to a recent incident in Greece where about 100 politicians and political leaders were subject to mobile phone wiretapping. Schneier points out that the wiretapping was facilitated by new network surveillance requirements, which were then used by the "bad guys" for their own purposes. A good lesson […]

Come back with a warrant by Rosalyn Davis (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Lawful Access
The Year in Canadian Tech Law From A to Z
My last weekly Law Bytes column of 2005, features my annual A to Z review of the year in Canadian law and technology (Toronto Star version, freely available version). From legislative proposals involving copyright, network surveillance, and Internet pharmacies to case law focused on popular consumer products such as the […]
The Lawful Access Spin
As expected, the government today unveiled Bill C-74, the Modernization of Investigative Techniques Act, better known as lawful access. Since I’ m Tunis, I’m relying on the various releases from PSEPC, the Ministry responsible for the bill. I’ll update this posting as needed once I’ ve had a chance to […]
Lawful Access Bill Coming November 15th
The Canadian government today revealed that it will unveil the lawful access bill on Tuesday, November 15th. The bill, titled the Modernization of Investigative Techniques Act, will "compel all Canadian telephone and Internet companies to create and maintain infrastructures that are intercept capable and to provide access to basic subscriber […]
Canadian Privacy Requires Action Not Rhetoric
My weekly Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version; freely available hyperlinked version) focuses on comments last week from Prime Minister Paul Martin that the "question of civil rights is first and foremost in our minds" as the government prepares to introduce the lawful access initiative. I note that while Canadians […]