
Amazon Kindle DRM Broken

Amazon's Kindle DRM, which restricts ebooks to the device, has been broken. The hack reportedly allows ebooks stored on the reader to be transferred as PDF files to other devices.


  1. Already Broken
    I think we can all agree that the DRM was broken to begin with. DRM is defective by design. It only took us until now to figure out how to exploit the fact that it was broken.

  2. I’d be more pointed in saying that trying to use DRM to restrict what your customers can do with your device is broken to begin with.
    An example of DRM being used to protect the consumer and their computer.

    Trying to beat your customers over the head with DRM is just pathetically outdated though, and has been proven ineffective as each successive DRM is broken in turn.

  3. Pathetically outdated?
    I foresee it comming back into style once they have a few solidying years of legal DRM protection under their belt! Whatever makes your shareholders short-term profits!

  4. David Collier-Brown says:

    Fourth (or fifth) time DRM has failed.
    It failed on the Apple ][, it failed on CP/M, it failed on MS-DOS and subsequently on Windows. However, the idea of
    DRM is sufficiently attractive that con artists can simply
    find another sucker and sell it to them.

    The idea that the possessor of the keys can’t figure
    out how to open the lock is just a weaker variant of
    security through obscurity…
