The American Bar Association/International Chamber of Commerce’s Global Internet Jurisdiction survey was released this past weekend in Seattle at the ABA Business Law Section’s Spring Meeting. Professor Geist served as co-chair for the project which involved surveying hundreds of companies in 45 countries on the effects of Internet jurisdiction.
Archive for April, 2004
Chair – Internet Jurisdiction: A Global Survey
ABA Business Law Section Spring Meeting link
Focus Shifts to Canadian Copyright Reform
The day after the federal court's file sharing discussion, much of the discussion shifted to potential copyright reform in Canada. Professor Geist comments in both the Ottawa Citizen and National Post on the prospect for reform.
Federal Ct. Decisions Attracts Global Attention
Yesterday's federal court decision involving file sharing is attracting global attention with many now labelling Canada a haven for file sharers. In addition to comments in subscription only services such as the National Post, Ottawa Citizen, and LA Times, Professor Geist comments in many media sources including USA Today, Toronto […]