The Globe has an article today on new Canadian Heritage Minister Bev Oda's plans for culture and copyright policy. The copyright comments:
"As a veteran educator – Oda spent six years teaching theatre arts and art to children in Mississauga, Ont. – she also has some caveats about the last government's proposed copyright legislation. 'Last session, our party stood up and said we'd like to look at digital access for learning materials. So we're still looking at copyright legislation overall.' Those who had hoped for the new government to automatically push through the Liberals' bill should not hold their breath."
No surprise that the Conservatives are reconsidering Bill C-60, particularly on the issue the education and copyright (and possibly on the private copying levy as well). The best approach would be to completely open up copyright reform in Canada. The last consultation took place in 2001, seemingly a lifetime ago given how much the Internet and technologies have changed. Moreover, that consultation focused primarily on the copyright lobby's issues such as anti-circumvention provisions and ISP liability. A new forward looking public consultation that incorporates a broader range of issues, including fair use, a re-examination of statutory damages, and protections from DRM misuse, would put Canadian copyright on much more solid footing.
Hi Michael.
I am glad to hear that C-60 is going to be challenged. I do not have any idea where the Conservatives stand on implementing DMCA-style copyright legislation in Canada. Do you have any information as to their position on these issues?
hi professor,
glad to hear they making a pass at bill c60. i emailed bev oda a while ago but got no response.
do you know how someone could contact them or ask their view on having a consultation process/
you should definitely be on it.