Given the delay between parliamentary committee hearings and the release of transcripts, several of my research students have graciously agreed to sit in on the hearings and take notes. Yesterday's hearings featured four representatives from Industry Canada who were asked to provide a "PIPEDA 101" review. From the notes, it is clear that many committees members expected more, as several requests for recommended amendments were refused with the Industry Canada representatives deferring to the Minister. While it is not clear that Industry Minister Maxime Bernier expected to appear at these hearings, the Committee Chair indicated that he would be called.
The hearings also provided an update in the Quebec constitutional challenge to PIPEDA. The most recent development is apparently Quebec's filing of an affidavit in July 2006, so the case is still alive. Some committee members expressed surprise at the fact that the case has been outstanding for three years.
The key comments and questions, thanks to Natalie Senst, are posted below: