Earlier this year, I wrote the following about reforming the CBC: "the CBC can chart its own path by rethinking what it means to be a public broadcaster in the Internet era. Notwithstanding the importance of providing greater access to its content on all media platforms…the CBC would do well to innovatively collaborate with Canadians to bring their creativity to a wider broadcast audience."
Today the CBC announced plans to reform its local news, with an emphasis on more public involvement –
"The new integrated service is being called myCBC and will include more opportunities for viewer, reader and listener comments and for users to select the news they want. Vancouver will also be the first CBC news bureau to pioneer "civic journalism," in which citizens can upload video or images of news events to the CBC. The CBC has yet to determine how it will vet and use images and information from its viewers and listeners."
Old Fellow
I am not sure that literally turning the National Public Broadcast entity into a form of \\\’Blog\\\’ is in our best inyerests … Most of us suffer from irrelevant information overload already …
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