Archive for March 13th, 2009

CRTC New Media Hearings – Day Ten: Quebecor, MTS Allstream, CAIP, RipNet, Barrett, Bell, and Telus

CRTC New Media Hearings – Day Ten: Quebecor, MTS Allstream, CAIP, RipNet, Barrett, Bell, and Telus

The final day of the CRTC New Media hearings featured more discussion from ISPs, including Quebecor, MTS Allstream, CAIP, RipNet, Barrett Xplore, Bell, and Telus.  Due to some scheduling difficulties, we are only able to provide a link to the CRTC transcript of the hearing.

Update: Greg O'Brien, the publisher and editor of the terrific, has kindly offered to have his coverage of the day posted here. Thanks Greg.

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March 13, 2009 5 comments News

U.S. Government Says ACTA a National Security Secret

The U.S. government has denied a freedom of information act request for several Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement documents, invoking a clause that says that the documents are protected as national security secrets. The provision applies in cases where there could be "damage to the national security and the original classification authority […]

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March 13, 2009 4 comments News