Howard Knopf has
another post on Access Copyright and its effort to exclude 99 objectors to its tariff and to convince the Copyright Board of Canada to issue an “interim tariff” so that an important source of revenue continues to flow even as the collective demands a massive increase in fees. Knopf points to the many legal reasons why the interim request should be rejected in his post, which comes just as Access Copyright posts a
open letter to the post-secondary education community. The letter claims that many in the education community are confused and frustrated by the current situation and professes to remain “open to negotiation so that we may continue to play a role in helping your institution reach its teaching and learning objectives.”
The letter has an air of desperation (not to mention hypocrisy given that it is addressed to the post-secondary education community, many of whom Access Copyright is seeking to exclude from the tariff hearings) as the realization sets in that the tariff process has emerged as the catalyst for many to rethink the need for the Access Copyright licence. Much like any insurance policy, if the price is right and the policy provides value, consumers are willing to pay the annual premium. When prices skyrocket and doubts emerge about the value of the policy, consumers tend to think about alternatives.
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