The Globe has a terrific masthead editorial today that notes the failure of big pharmaceutical companies to live up to their research and development commitments. It notes that those same companies are now demanding further IP reforms as part of the Canada – EU Trade Agreement.
Archive for June 8th, 2012
Waterloo Latest University to Reject Access Copyright Model Licence
The University of Waterloo has become the latest university to announce that it will not sign the Access Copyright model licence. The announcement comes as Queen’s University holds a community consultation on whether to sign the licence.
The IP Lobby’s Post-Bill C-11 Playbook: ACTA, SOPA, Warrantless Search and the Criminalization of IP
This long post reviews the report, focusing on the case it makes for addressing counterfeiting concerns in Canada and on the resulting recommendations. The recommendations are divided into five main groups:
- Introduce a Canadian SOPA
- ACTA Implementation
- New Search Powers Without Court Oversight
- The Criminalization of Intellectual Property
- Massive Increase in Public Spending Creating an IP Enforcement Subsidy