The latest ACTA leak generated a new round of press coverage, with articles from AOL Daily Finance and Wired. Meanwhile, European ISPs are expressing their concern with ACTA.
Secret ACTA Deal To Change IT Forever
Rafael Ruffolo posts an opinion piece for ComputerWorld Canada that focuses on the impact of ACTA on IT industry.
CRTC Launches Online Consultation Site on Fee-For-Carriage
The Canadian Press reports on a new CRTC online consultation site on the fee-for-carriage issue. The online consultation runs until December 21st.
EU ACTA Analysis Leaks: Confirms Plans For Global DMCA, Encourage 3 Strikes Model
The European Commission analysis of ACTA's Internet chapter has leaked, indicating that the U.S. is seeking to push laws that extend beyond the WIPO Internet treaties and beyond current European Union law (the EC posted the existence of the document last week but refused to make it publicly available). The […]
Swedish Minister To Demand ACTA Be Opened Up
Swedish Communications Minister Åsa Torstensson visits Washington, DC next week with a meeting with the USTR on the agenda. According to a press release , the message on ACTA will be simple: open up the process to the public and do not adopt a three-strikes model.