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Getting More Bang for our Research and Copyright Buck

Professor Geist's regular Toronto Star Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, HTML backup article, homepage version) addresses several much-needed reforms for the Canadian education and research communities to get more bang for their research and copyright buck. In particular, it argues that Canadian universities must stop throwing away millions of […]

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September 27, 2004 Comments are Disabled Columns

Ontario Court Issues Decision on “Commercial Activity” Under PIPEDA

An Ontario court has issued the first Canadian court decision to examine the meaning of "commercial activity" within the context of PIPEDA. The case involved a question of whether a recreational shooting association could be compelled to disclose its member list. The court relies heavily on the Privacy Commissioner’s guidance […]

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September 23, 2004 Comments are Disabled News

BC Privacy Commissioner Delays Outsourcing Report Again

BC’s Privacy Commissioner has announced that the release of his report on privacy and outsourcing will be delayed until late October. The Commissioner needs more time to deal with the more than 500 submissions he received on the issue.

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September 23, 2004 Comments are Disabled News

A Balanced Approach on Copyright Reform

With news today that a coalition of education groups have held a press conference to call for balanced copyright reform, University Affairs, the Canadian university and colleges publication, publishes an opinion essay by Professor Geist on how Canada can best achieve that balance.

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September 22, 2004 Comments are Disabled News

South Africa Spends Thousands to Obtain Domain

A South African government official has acknowledged that the country has spent roughly 1 million rand in trying to obtain the domain. The legal action has not resulted in a transfer of the domain.

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September 20, 2004 Comments are Disabled News