Post Tagged with: "acta"

USTR Launches Request for Comments on ACTA

The USTR has launched a public request for comments on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.  There has been no indication from Canadian officials about possible meetings or consultations.

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December 17, 2010 7 comments News

Australia Government Report Warns Against Including IP In Trade Agreements

The Australian Government’s Productivity Commission, which is the government’s independent research and advisory body on a range of economic, social and environmental issues affecting the welfare of Australians, has released a new report on the impact of bilateral and regional trade agreements.  The report, which contains some key lessons for Canada given our current trade negotiations activities with Europe, India, and South American countries, warns against the inclusion of intellectual property within these trade agreements.  The report concludes:

The Commission considers that Australia should not generally seek to include IP provisions in further BRTAs, and that any IP provisions that are proposed for a particular agreement should only be included after an economic assessment of the impacts, including on consumers, in Australia and partner countries. To safeguard against the prospect that acceptance of ‘negative sum game’ proposals, the assessment would need to find that implementing the provisions would likely generate overall net benefits for members of the agreement.

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December 14, 2010 7 comments News

Final Version of ACTA Posted

The final ACTA text [PDF] – now incorporating changes for a technical, legal drafting meeting last week in Australia – has been posted.

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December 6, 2010 1 comment News

European Parliament Passes Pro-ACTA Resolution

In a close vote of 331-294, the European Parliament has passed a resolution expressing general support for the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.  Insiders note that it was not a convincing or clear outcome for the EP.

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November 25, 2010 3 comments News

Final ACTA Text Posted

The final version of ACTA (subject to a legal review at a meeting in Australia later this month) has now been posted online.  The final version addresses the issues that were left unresolved following the Tokyo meeting this fall.

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November 15, 2010 Comments are Disabled News