CCER has updated its online letter writing tool, allowing Canadians to send letters with their views on copyright to their local MP and the party leaders.
Post Tagged with: "ccer"
Industry Canada Responds: Copyright Consultation Submissions Are Coming
I spoke earlier today with an official at Industry Canada regarding the thousands of missing copyright consultation submissions. I was advised that there was a huge spike of submissions toward the very end of the consultation period. There were slightly over 8,100 submissions, a huge number in comparison with virtually […]
New Copyright Consultation Submissions of Note
With two days left, many organizations are posting their final submissions to the copyright consultation online. Recent postings include: Canadian Association of Media Education Organizations Canadian Coalition for Electronic Rights Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences Canadian Federation of Students ACTRA Writers' Guild of Canada
CCER Posts Copyright Submission
The Canadian Coalition for Electronic Rights has posted its copyright consultation submission, addressing issues such as anti-circumvention legislation, fair dealing, ISP liability, and the need for technological neutrality.
CCER Argues for Technological Neutrality in Copyright Reform
Jason Crocker, chair of the Canadian Coalition for Electronic Rights, has an op-ed in the Georgia Straight, arguing that technological neutrality should guide Canadian copyright reform.