The Government has reintroduced a bill designed to require providers of Internet services to report incidents of child pornography. The bill was introduced as Bill C-58 last year. I discussed the bill here. The new bill is Bill C-22.
Post Tagged with: "child pornography"
Government To Introduce ISP Child Porn Reporting Bill
Multiple reports this morning indicate that the government plans to introduce a new bill requiring ISPs to report child pornography websites to designated authorities. More on the bill when it is released, but the government is apparently treating this as part of the lawful access package. Further, already provides […]
Italy Requires ISPs to Block Child Porn
Italy has reportedly passed a new law that requires ISPs to block access to child pornography sites within six hours of notification.
Child Pornography Blocking Plan a Risk Worth Taking
My weekly Law Bytes column (Toronto Star version, homepage version) wades back into the Project Cleanfeed Canada debate. My last post on this issue generated considerable discussion with many valid criticisms of the ISP plans to block access to child pornography. In developing this column, I posed many of the […]
Child Pornography Blocking Plan a Risk Worth Taking
Appeared on December 4, 2006 in the Toronto Star as Child Porn Blocking Plan a Risk Worth Taking Few issues unite Internet users as much as their collective distaste for censorship. It was therefore unsurprising that many in the Internet community recoiled at last month's announcement that a group of […]