The Canadian Library Association has written to the responsible Ministers on copyright, focusing primarily on anti-circumvention concerns.
Post Tagged with: "Copyright Reform"
DMCA Architect Acknowledges Need For A New Approach
A video from the McGill conference on music and copyright reform where I discuss the case against anti-circumvention legislation in Canada (at 54:30, external link).
Oda on Copyright Bill Timing
Canadian Heritage Minister Bev Oda appeared before the Canadian Heritage Standing Committee last week and was asked directly about the timing of a new copyright bill. The exchange: Belanger (Lib.) – Madame Minister, is it still your intention to introduce legislation on copyrights this fall, or are we now looking […]
The Ottawa Citizen on Copyright Reform
The Citizen's lead editorial today concludes with the following: Canada's copyright regime is likely to be reviewed this fall with a view to dragging it into the 21st century. Making sure we maximize the usefulness of new technologies like Google Books should be the Harper government's highest priority; promoting the […]
Telus Joins Call for Fair Use
While things have been publicly quiet on the copyright reform front this summer, indications are that the government has been busy, with a copyright bill likely to be introduced this fall. One important voice that has come forward is Telus, Canada’s second largest telecommunications company. In a letter to Canadian Heritage Minister Bev Oda, the company outlines its top priorities for copyright reform.
Leading the way is fair use, with Telus calling for a "living" fair use model that would expand upon the current fair dealing user right. In particular, Telus states that: