Post Tagged with: "digital policy"

How Canadians Reclaimed the Public Interest on Digital Policy

Appeared in the Toronto Star on November 4, 2012 as How Canadians Reclaimed the Public Interest on Digital Policy The fall of 2007 was a particularly bleak period for Canadians concerned with digital policies. The government had just issued a policy direction to the CRTC to adopt a hands-off regulatory […]

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November 6, 2012 Comments are Disabled Columns Archive

Conservative Majority Gives Ottawa A Crack At Breaking The Digital Logjam

My weekly technology column (Toronto Star version, homepage version) reviews many of the points raised in a blog post last week on the future of digital policies in Canada given the majority Conservative government. It is hard to project precisely what will happen; given the number of open cabinet positions it is not known whether Industry Minister Tony Clement and Canadian Heritage Minister James Moore will remain in their portfolios or move elsewhere. If they stay the course, the Conservative digital policies are strong in a number of areas.

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May 10, 2011 10 comments Columns

Tory Majority Gives Ottawa A Crack At Breaking The Digital Logjam

Appeared in the Toronto Star on May 8, 2011 as Tory Majority Gives Ottawa A Crack At Breaking The Digital Logjam The election of a majority Conservative government has generated much speculation about the future of digital policies in Canada. It is hard to project precisely what will happen; given […]

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May 9, 2011 Comments are Disabled Columns Archive

How to Vote for the Internet: Election Our Chance To Ask About Internet Policy

The federal election marks the end for at least five government bills focused on Internet and digital policy. Bills on privacy, copyright, and Internet surveillance died on the order paper and will have to start from scratch when a new government is elected in May. Moreover, the much-anticipated digital economy strategy, set for release this spring, has likely been delayed until the fall at the very earliest.

While the legislative process may be on hold, my weekly technology column (Toronto Star version, homepage version) notes the election campaign offers Canadians the chance to raise the profile of Internet and digital issues even further by voting for the Internet. The Internet is obviously not a political party, but a vote for the Internet means asking candidates for their views on the country’s top digital issues:

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March 28, 2011 21 comments Columns

Election 2008 – A Digital Policy Scorecard

As the national election campaign launched five weeks ago, I wrote that "the election presents an exceptional opportunity to raise the profile of digital issues."  While the economy unsurprisingly dominated much of the political discourse, each of the national parties unveiled platforms and positions that included some discussion of digital policy.  With Canadians headed to the polls today, my weekly technology law column (Toronto Star version, Ottawa Citizen version, homepage version) offers a scorecard on each party's digital policy positions.

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October 14, 2008 4 comments Columns