Post Tagged with: "fair copyright for canada"

Fair Copyright for Canada Page Launches

With a new copyright bill that may look much like Bill C-61 likely within a matter of weeks, I've launched a new Fair Copyright for Canada Facebook page (distinct from the group) that can be used to keep current and learn more about what can be done as events unfold.  […]

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April 26, 2010 1 comment News

The C-61 in 61 Seconds YouTube Video Competition

Tens of thousands of Canadians have spoken out against Bill C-61 over the past month.  In addition to the letters, MP meetings, and town halls, many have created mashups, videos, comics, posters, photos, and other creative art to express their disappointment and concern with Industry Minister Jim Prentice's plan for […]

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July 16, 2008 Comments are Disabled Stop CDMCA

The C-61 in 61 Seconds YouTube Video Competition

Tens of thousands of Canadians have spoken out against Bill C-61 over the past month.  In addition to the letters, MP meetings, and town halls, many have created mashups, videos, comics, posters, photos, and other creative art to express their disappointment and concern with Industry Minister Jim Prentice's plan for […]

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July 16, 2008 4 comments News
Fair Copyright on the Menu at Prentice Stampede Breakfast

Fair Copyright on the Menu at Prentice Stampede Breakfast

The first photos have begun to appear online from this morning's Prentice Stampede Breakfast in Calgary.  By early accounts, a strong crowd (including some media) attended with signs, t-shirts, and handouts to increase awareness of Bill C-61 and to have a chance to to speak directly with Industry Minister Jim […]

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July 5, 2008 4 comments News

Fair Copyright Montreal Wiki

The Montreal chapter of Fair Copyright for Canada has launched a terrific wiki to assist with the fight against C-61.

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June 29, 2008 1 comment News