Post Tagged with: "generative ai"

FORTUNE Brainstorm Tech 2023 by Fortune Brainstorm TECHFollow CC BY-NC-ND

Canadian Copyright in the Age of Generative AI: My Submission to the Government’s Copyright Consultation

The government’s consultation on copyright and generative AI closed last week. The submissions are not yet public, but I am pleased to post my submission, which focused on an exception for text and data mining, the inclusion of copyrighted works in large language models, and the copyright implications of outputs from generative AI systems. My submission noted that the consultation raises several questions related to generative AI and copyright. I focused on three:

(1)  Should Canada proceed with a text and data mining exception as recommended in the 2019 Copyright Act review?

(2)  Should Canada introduce legislative reforms to address the use of copyright works in large language models (LLMs) that are central to the development of generative AI technologies?

(3)  Should Canada introduce legislative reforms to address copyright-related questions arising from the outputs of generative AI systems?

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January 23, 2024 11 comments News
OpenAI logo by ishmael daro CC BY 2.0

The Law Bytes Podcast, Episode 183: Andres Guadamuz on the Battle Over Copyright and Generative AI

Generative AI raises a host of interesting legal issues, but perhaps none will be more contentious than the intersection between copyright and services such as ChatGPT. The copyright questions apply both the creation of large language models used to train these systems as well as the copyright associated with outputs. These questions have sparked high profile class action lawsuits and government consultations on potential reform.

Andres Guadamuz is a Reader in Intellectual Property Law at the University of Sussex and the Editor in Chief of the Journal of World Intellectual Property. He joins the Law Bytes podcast to explain the copyright implications of generative AI and to unpack the claims found in the copyright class action lawsuits.

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November 6, 2023 3 comments Podcasts
ChatGPT Plus by Daniel Foster (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

The Law Bytes Podcast, Episode 178: Bianca Wylie on Canada’s Failing AI Regulatory Process

It’s been a dizzying stretch since the launch of Chat GPT, with artificial intelligence regulation and policy bursting forward as top concern in Canada and around the world. From a Canadian perspective, Bill C-27 got most of its initial attention for its privacy provisions, but its inclusion of an AI bill – AIDA – has emerged as a huge issue in its own right. Meanwhile, the government has also quietly been pushing ahead with new generative AI guidelines that may debut this week. Bianca Wylie is a writer and an open government and public technology advocate with a dual background in technology and public engagement.  She’s become increasingly uncomfortable with the AI regulatory process in Canada and she joins the Law Bytes podcast to provide her thoughts about AIDA, generative AI regulation, and a process she believes is in dire need of fixing.

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September 26, 2023 3 comments Podcasts