Appeared on March 4, 2012 in the Toronto Star as case sends warning to all Canadian websites Imagine a scenario in which a country enacts a law that bans the sale of asbestos and includes the power to seize the assets of any company selling the product anywhere in […]
Post Tagged with: "online gaming"
CRTC Asks Rogers to Probe Online Game Throttling Complaints
The CRTC has asked Rogers to probe complaints from an online gaming group about throttling of Call of Duty: Black Ops. The complaint follows multiple complaints about Rogers throttling of World of Warcraft.
B.C. Government Launches Online Casino
The B.C. government has launched North America’s first online casino targeted at provincial residents.
Quebec Cybercasino Fined For Online Gaming
The CBC reports that the company that administers the world's largest internet casino – Golden – has pled guilty in Quebec to charges of illegal gambling, in a case that raises questions about First Nations' right to hand out gaming licences.