Post Tagged with: "P2P"
Hurt Locker File Sharing Suits Come North: Federal Court Orders ISPs to Disclose Subscriber Info
Cisco: Canada Below Asia, Europe on P2P Usage
Peter Nowak speaks to Cisco’s Thomas Barnett, who discusses miscontrued data on Internet use. Barnett says Canada actually ranks below the U.S. on per capita Internet use and that Canadians rank below countries in both Europe and Asia on peer-to-peer usage.
U.S. Paper Says No Decline in New Music In Napster Age
A new paper by Joel Waldfogel, an economist at the University of Minnesota and NBER, finds no evidence that Napster and P2P have resulted in a reduction in recorded music or new artists coming to market. The study also finds that independent music labels are playing an increasingly important role […]
LSE Study Says P2P Should Be Encouraged to Promote Innovation
The London School of Economic Media Policy Project has released a new study that criticizes recent UK reforms for failing to strike the right balance between copyright enforcement and innovation. The report finds that P2P should be encouraged to promote innovative applications and that offering user-friendly, fairly priced services is […]
SAC Music Sharing Proposal Garners Attention
The recently revised Songwriters Association of Canada proposal for licensed peer-to-peer music sharing garnered considerable attention over the weekend. The SAC is no longer seeking legislative change as it argues the approach can be adopted through private licensing.