Post Tagged with: "special 301"

U.S. Targets Canada Over Copyright in Special 301 Report

The U.S. Trade Representative released its Special 301 report today, in which it casts judgement on the intellectual property laws of dozens of countries around the world. To the surprise of no one, Canada finds itself playing the role of Bill Murray in Groundhog Day as it once again is target.  In fact, this year the U.S. aims to increase the pressure by elevating Canada to the Priority Watch List (a more sinister designation than the previous Watch List), implausibly claiming that Canada sits alongside countries like Russia and China with its intellectual property laws. 

The move is not unexpected, given recent comments from Vice President Joe Biden and U.S. Congressional panels as well as the demands from U.S. lobby groups.  Those same groups will now dust off their press releases that lament the "embarrassment" of being included on the list (never mind that countries that represent more than 70 percent of the world's population are on the list) and the failure to introduce U.S.-style reforms (never mind that Canada enacted anti-camcording laws in 2007, introduced C-61 last year, is an original negotiating partner in the ACTA negotiations, joined the U.S. as a third party in the WTO copyright complaint against China, etc.).

Hopefully, the Canadian officials will similarly dust off their advice to the Minister, which for the past few years has stated (as obtained under Access to Information):

The Government is disappointed with the United States' decision to include Canada in its [year here] Special 301 "Watch List."  Canada does not recognize the Special 301 process due to its lacking of reliable and objective analysis, and we have raised this issue regularly with the U.S. in our bilateral discussions."

Those same sentiments were expressed by an official at the Department of Foreign Affairs to a House of Commons committee in 2007:

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April 30, 2009 31 comments News

Consumers International Releases IP Watch List

With the U.S. Special 301 Report set for release today, Consumers International has released its own IP Watchlist.  This list of 16 countries found that consumers benefit most from the laws in India and South Korea, while the UK is the most restrictive.  It also noted that the U.S. applies […]

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April 30, 2009 3 comments News

Nintendo Not Blaming Canada

Nintendo has issued a release summarizing its submission to the USTR in the Special 301 process.  Despite the regular, inaccurate attempts by some groups to paint Canada as piracy haven, Canada is nowhere to be found on the Nintendo list. [hat tip: Game Politics]

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February 26, 2009 3 comments News

IIPA Targets Canada Again Over IP Rules

The IIPA, a lobby group for several Hollywood organizations, is back again with another blistering attack on dozens of countries around the world over their IP rules.  Not surprisingly, IIPA would have you believe that Canada is one of the world's worst pirate countries, calling on the USTR to elevate […]

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February 16, 2009 9 comments News

How the U.S. Got Its Canadian Copyright Bill

Appeared in the Toronto Star on June 16, 2008 as How the U.S. Got Its Canadian Copyright Bill Last week's introduction of new copyright legislation ignited a firestorm with thousands of Canadians expressing genuine shock at provisions that some MPs argued would create a "police state." As opposition to the […]

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June 16, 2008 10 comments Columns Archive