Margot Kaminski posts an important op-ed at IP Watch on the lack of protection for users and intermediaries in agreements like ACTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). The IP chapter in the TPP leaked earlier this week.
Post Tagged with: "tpp"
Weatherall on the Impact of the TPP
Kim Weatherall has published a paper assessing the legal impact of the intellectual property provisions of the Trans Pacific Partnership on Australian law.
U.S. Intellectual Property Demands for TPP Leak: Everything it Wanted in ACTA But Didn’t Get
With the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement negotiation concluded, attention is now turning to the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement. The TPP currently includes the US, Australia, Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, Singapore, Peru, Malaysia and Vietnam. Canada has not joined the negotiation, but there have been periodic rumours that wants in (it was […]
Chilean and NZ Proposals for TPP IP Chapter: Counter IP Abuse, Support Public Domain
The Chilean and New Zealand proposals for the intellectual property chapter in the Trans-Pacific Partnership have leaked (Canada has been excluded from the talks so far). The leaks demonstrate how much different many other countries view the inclusion of IP in trade agreements when compared to the U.S. and Europe. […]
NZ Govt Copyright Leak: Doubts Value of WIPO Internet Treaties, Supports Flexible Digital Lock Rules