The CRTC has released its decision on Bell's usage based billing, ruling that it can continue to use the practice with wholesale ISPs, provided that it charges UBB rates to all of its retail Internet customers. Mark Goldberg notes this requirement effectively means Bell will not be able to implement […]
Post Tagged with: "usage based billing"
MTS, Acanac Take Net Fight With Bell To Federal Court
The CBC reports that MTS Allstream and Acanac have filed a motion with the Federal Court of Appeal seeking reversal of the CRTC's usage based billing decision.
CRTC Seeks UBB Pricing Answers From Bell
The CBC reports that the CRTC has asked Bell to provide specific answers about its implementation plans for wholesale usage-based billing.
CRTC Approves Bell’s Request For Wholesale Usage Based Billing
The CRTC has approved Bell's request for wholesale usage based billing. The UBB proposal attracted significant public opposition and raises significant competition concerns.