The City of Vancouver has passed a resolution calling on the CRTC to reverse its usage based billing decision. While a municipal resolution obviously is not binding on the telecom regulator, the move places the spotlight on growing frustration with wireless and Internet services in Canada. It also comes on […]
Post Tagged with: "vancouver"
Google Street View Catches Illegal Tree Cutting
The Vancouver Province reports that a Vancouver property owner has been charged with illegally axing trees after Google Street View caught the trees being removed from the property.
Vancouver Buskers Face SOCAN Royalty Demand
The Vancouver Sun reports on new SOCAN demands that buskers in the Vancouver transit system pay performance royalties that could run up to $1500 per year.
City of Vancouver Launches Open Data Portal
David Eaves reports that the City of Vancouver has launched its open data portal.
Vancouver Embraces Open Data, Standards and Source
The CBC reports that the City of Vancouver has passed a resolution endorsing the principles of making its data open and accessible to everyone where possible, adopting open standards for that data and considering open source software when replacing existing applications.