California Internet tax bill breakdown by Stephanie Robogeisha (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

California Internet tax bill breakdown by Stephanie Robogeisha (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Digital Tax

French Report Recommends New Tax on Google

A French report has recommended instituting a new "Google tax" to support the music and publishing industries.  The recommendation calls for a levy on all revenue generated from click-through advertising.

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January 8, 2010 5 comments News

CRA Warns Ebay Sellers To Pay Taxes

The Canada Revenue Agency has warned eBay sellers to pay tax on revenues earned from auction sales.  CRA plans to begin conducting audits in the fall.

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July 31, 2009 Comments are Disabled News

Federal Court of Appeal Upholds Ebay Power Seller Decision

The Federal Court of Appeal has upheld an earlier decision ordering eBay to provide information on Canadian power sellers.  The Globe and Mail reports that the Canadian Revenue Agency plans to escalate its investigation in light of the decision.  A key part of the case turns on the fact that […]

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November 14, 2008 10 comments News

Fairness Says It’s Time to Tax Goods Sold Online

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To those following the Internet taxation debate, the story smacks of déjà vu. 

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March 24, 2003 Comments are Disabled Columns Archive


The World of Cybertaxes, University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, Toronto, ON

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January 12, 2003 Comments are Disabled Conferences